
Indrani Sanyal

Vijay Agarwal

Amit Saraf

Mala Roy
Sharmila Mitra, Academic Coordinator
Your association with DPS Megacity has enriched the school in multifarious ways.
Your continuous teacher enrichment programme has resulted in adopting a holistic
teaching methodology in our school. Your regular counseling of teachers and conduction
of in house workshops provide invaluable inputs on state-of the art education
practices to the teachers.
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Sonu Arora, Mentor, Pre-Primary Department
This is the sixth year that I have been working with Ms Salony Priya. The first
thing that touched me about her was that even in her first session with all the
teachers, she was able to address each one by their names! Her personal touch, insight,
guidance and direction has helped me to move ahead in life – be it professional
or personal!
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Moushumi Banerjee, Co Curricular coordinator
It has been a journey in learning to develop oneself through the workshops and sessions
taken by Ms Salony Priya our HR Trainer and Psychologist. Be it the leadership training
workshops for students or the ‘one team one dream’ for mentors or dealing with adolescent
problems like gender issues or relationship counseling or developing concentration,
attention and memory skills, in every session it has been an innovative presentation.
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Ruth Anita Malik, Mentor Coach
The concept of Mentor coaches is such a unique concept that has proved to be so
effective in our very large school DPS Megacity. This has been initiated by none
but our very own in house psychologist and HR trainer Mrs. Salony Priya.
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Madhupa Chakraborty, Mentor and incharge of children with special needs
It is indeed a blessing for both teachers and parents who have been guided by Mrs.
Salony Priya. Her take on issues related to various learning disorders has helped
people like me to be a better teacher and also a better parent.
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Shikha Sarkar, Mentor class IV
The aim of salony mam’s workshops are clearly underlined from the beginning and
the audience is subtly reminded about them from time to time ,hence one never gets
a chance to loose focus of the issues begin dealt .The presentations are always
interactive and thought provoking.
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Upasana Chopra, Class Teacher for III
I have been dealing with a number of students with special needs during all these
years and have had the pleasure to interact with Salony Mam for constant advice
and support which has helped me work wonders with the students with positive results.
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Her contributions at THE DPS MEGACITY
Progressive Counseling based Interventions
Bringing out the best in each child - making him realize his potential
At Megacity Every child is a winner!
to sensitize children about life skills-catching them doing things
right when they are young.
These sessions start from class IV and continue till
class XII addressing age appropriate issues. Stories, real life anecdotes, games
and activities engage students to think,listen and feel and the outcome is learning
for life.
Evolving Leadership – Empowering the student prefects
Proactive social behavior, addressing class conflicts & prejudices, giving children
an opportunity for appreciating differences .Each class of class IV to VI experiences
such sessions with psychologist and class teacher as facilitators.
CAREER GUIDANCE – Subject selection after class VIII, and class X
Career awareness programmes in class XI-XII
Visits of foreign universities and career experts is organized by the career cell
at school.
WORKSHOP FOR TEACHERS – in-house and need based workshops on the concept of ‘Teacher
as a learner’ – providing opportunities for Constant learning for Teachers.
MENTOR TRAINING – empowerment for teacher leaders to take more responsibility build communication channels and keep people at all levels aligned with the organisation’s
WORKSHOP FOR PARENTS – Building partnership with parents One to one Counseling
for parents to guide & support the child. Age appropriate workshops for parents
to understand children and effectively steer and guide them.