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Gandhi had a sign reading:
"When you are in the right you can afford to keep your temper; and when you are in the wrong, you cannot afford to lose it."

We all feel angry at times, its human. However it is important to get rid of our anger without hurting ourselves or others. This is what we need to understand ,learn and with practice make our habit. Gandhi’s autobiography gives you insight into his experiments with himself on controlling anger. Many of us feel that being angry is my second nature , I cannot help it …such statements do not help as said by John Maxwell, If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.`
If we really want to change our pattern of getting too angry too soon we will make effort.Verbalizing negative thoughts, only reinforce your lack of readiness to look for methods to control our anger. It is all about developing new modes to release negative emotions as well as be conscious and believe that anger can be controlled.

Some of the very simple things you could practice are as follows :-
1. Get away from the thing that is making you angry. When you do, it is usually easier to deal with the problem and think more clearly.
2. Exercise is a great way of letting it out. Kick a football, Run around the block, Hit a tennis ball, Go for a walk, Yell into your pillow.

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