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Positive Parenting

Mrs.Salony Priya’s parenting workshops are known for their interactive , informal style , keen observation of parent child relations along with sharing of personal anecdotes, as all these make her workshops highly effective, entertaining and informative . This combination of age appropriate practical strategies delivered in lucid language , makes her session extremely sought after and seen as eye opener for many.

She is one of the pioneers in creating parenting platforms in educational institutions that acted as a catalyst to change the traditional parent teacher communication in schools.

  • She has Created a niche in the field of parent interface with a difference for the schools. Conducted workshops and interactive sessions for parents on issues like Communication with child, Building self esteem in the child, Techniques to discipline the child, Handling sibling rivalry, Value teaching, Adolescent handling ,teen stress,Teaching life skills etc.
  • Designed a comprehensive parent involvement program for several schools.
  • Redefined approach and process of communication with parents for the school.
  • Developed need based school specific feedback mechanisms from parents.
  • Conducted Exit interviews of students and parents.
  • Provided individual counseling for parents in the school for effective behavior management of students.


Aims to
  • Sensitizes parents to develop insight into child’s psyche
  • Provide opportunities to learn through simulation exercises
  • Develop alternative strategies to deal with situations
  • Helps to build better interpersonal relations with your children
  • Effective communication skills that connects and bonds
  • Develop a comprehensive long term goal for parenting


  • Nurturing the confident child – everyday opportunities for parents for developing self esteem of their children.
  • Let us connect to Teens - do’s and don'ts for parents handling adolescent years
  • Sibling Rivalry - how to make both kids feel important and loved? strategies to be equal or fair to your children?
  • Working Moms –how to keep working and being with my child? practical strategies for balancing task with endless demands of being a mom
  • Quality Vs Quantity in parenting
  • Positively disciplining – how to handle tantrums and teach self restraint
  • Parenting By Heart - using love and logic for handling common misbehaviors
  • Bonding not distancing – understanding the social and emotional demands of teenage years
  • Attending to Attention Deficit - several handy tips for enhancing attention and engaging the restless child
  • Communicate to connect – listening and body language for designing the whole message while interacting with children

Benefits seen from the workshops:

  • Understanding the child’s action, words and intentions
  • Developing insight into the role of nature ( genetic ) and nurture part of shaping a child’s personality
  • Redefine their relationship with the child , develop acceptance and build bonds
  • Insight into role of father and mother in nurturing potential and avoiding sibling rivalry and labeling
  • Learn simple communication builders and reduce barriers that mar the interpersonal relations
  • Develop Mature Parental Expectations

Contents are copyright of Salony Priya 2010-2025
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