Offered Workshops for Teachers' Training and Empowerment
Series of workshop that empowers educators to handle and understand different students in the same class.
Following issues are addressed during the workshop: -
Handling day to day situations in classrooms with a proactive response strategy
A role-play method to give teachers a real feel of the classroom disruptions.
Difficult behaviors like , tattler, whiner, noise maker, attention seeker, chair tripper, isolated, forgetful etc were discussed. The age appropriate strategies in view of the probable reasons and responses are shared.
Adopting a class project, modeling procedures rather than telling and expecting along with several Rewards and incentives schemes to get desired behavior from students are suggested.
Variation Aspects of class control-teacher empowered with tricks to handle class disturbances and not get exhausted by it are brainstormed upon.
Classroom rules, and setting expectations
Several starting class techniques
Strategies for Rapport building with students
Role plays, brainstorming, video clips are used at several stages
Key issues addressed are as follows: -
Team spirit-its importance and its critical variables
Building team, by building Trust
Attributes of a good team member-personal Integrity, Honesty, keeping commitments
Communication and attitudes that support WIN-WIN and not WIN –Loose
Game of probability to demonstrate factors of trust , transparency and WIN –Loose attitudes.
In a very lucid manner trainer brings various facets of building a team on surface and emphasizes on individuals’ role along with the organizational role. Trust building strategies are discussed and participants can identify with day to day situations in their organisation. All the concepts are brought to life with the game where people could not make a team effort successful .Even in the simulation created in the workshop, personal interest and apprehensions overcome all knowledge leading to Win loose strategies being adopted. The session is highly appreciated for its interactive style and the game which immediately helps in internalizing the concepts.
Workshop on sensitizing educators about learning difficulties
The session is designed to sensitize teachers teaching the students in the age group 4years to 11years with learning difficulties.In a very systematic fashion the facilitator introduces the learning disabilities paradigm, recent research findings and methods adopted to address the key challenges in the area of understanding learning difficulties faced by children. It outlines the intervention program to be adopted in school, step wise diagnostic, referral, parent involvement and assessments are discussed giving teachers a sense of confidence to deal with these issues rather than shunning it.
Feedbacks from participants
Today’s session was
redefined & emphasized the school policy as an inclusive school and
endorsement of that one did/worked with the children and the path that was ahead (so much more to be done !) Nirmal Singh Coordinator
Dear Salony Ma’am,The workshop on learning disabilities was enriching and enlightening. It answered many of the queries I had on mind – in fact in my appraisal sheet, I did ask for this kind of workshop. At times, we educators come across words like Dyslexia, A.D.D.H. etc but do not know the exact meanings of them. Hence the workshop was useful and we shall think twice before using these terms.
Thank you Salony Ma’am, once again. Debi Das, mentor class III

The “special needs” programme has been an eye-opener and has relieved my mind about a lot of mind blocks and aspersions about how to detect and then facilitate the growth (both mental and emotional) of a child who needs or extends his hand towards me for support. He/she hopes that there is no isolation from the social fabric. I am grateful for orientation to the Inclusion Programme so as to sensitize all of us and make the world a better place. Let us join hands and let us allow every individual to live to the fullest. Vibha Chatrath