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My vocation has been .... making a difference to people ! I started alone, was called a counselor restricted to students, but gradually people accepted me as a counselor for parents and teachers as they needed more help. Once parents and teachers were guided to understand and deal with children, solutions followed.

Thus my sphere of work broadened and I worked towards equipping teachers with the right skills, attitude and strategies to channelize, mould and empower the youth in our care.

Today I wear hats of HR trainer, counselor, psychologist, consultant, parenting expert .... still I do the same, have belief and share belief, inspire belief in people, in systems, in processes, and in out of box approaches.

Popular Teacher Development Initiatives

Mrs. Priya offers workshops and interactive sessions on the following topics: -
Class management techniques
Positive self esteem for Progressive Educators - Self Development insights by using introspective tools and psychometric testing
Teaching as a TEAM
Proactive Classrooms - Creating a caring environment in the classroom
Managing the whole class - Motivation strategies for the average, above average and under average students.
Emotional Intelligence - insights, impact and strategies in real classrooms
Discipline in school - Kohlberg’s model of moral development in children
Positive Class control - leading Vs managing approaches for students
Multiple Intelligence's - insights, impact and strategies in real classrooms
Circle Time - rapport building , starting class techniques with emphasis on conflict resolution in schools
Discipline By design - proactive and positive disciplining using love and logic.
Teacher as a counselor - understanding basic secondary needs and motivators in children at different developmental stages.
Counseling skills for being a pastoral counselor ( two day workshop )
Parents as co educators - Handling Parental anxieties and concerns in a humane manner, building good Interpersonal communication
Parent Involvement in schools – insights for teachers
Sexuality education for educators - why and how in a school setting.
Teaching specially able - identification of symptoms of learning difficulties ,remedial teaching and providing parents support.
Special needs and special deeds - dealing with special children, setting remedial and academic accommodations in schooling set up.
IMPACT - Instruction, actions and communications in classroom
Adolescent issues – understanding crisis and capabilities

Many agencies cater to training's that teach a teacher, to teach a subject better, score better marks, get 100 % results and so on. However in this madness and rat race there are few sole operators like me who keep on talking, inspiring, giving real life examples and showing teachers the real areas that actually matter at the end of the day when exams and school end. If reminded the teachers do understand that it is important to touch a child, heal a child, make subjects interesting, give him the message that he is capable, remove fear of failure so that at least he / she tries .... success or failure would follow.
It’s a heartening reward for me when many teachers who somewhere have taken inspiration from my training programs, who feel these training's have rekindled their faith in this profession have been awarded. I wish them all success and wish that they remain inspired, motivated and continue to commit themselves for smiles of these little ones. (my definition of little ones is children from 3years to 18years, yes ! at all these age more than ever before, they need to be treated as young kids who are learning).

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